Shrink dynamically extended VirtualBox image for export appliance

Shrink dynamically extended VirtualBox image for export appliance

Shrink dynamically extended VirtualBox image for export appliance

Cleanup your system System

Cleanup APT cache

sudo apt-get clean
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Cleanup docker cache (Optional, if you need)

docker system prune -a -f

Uninstall snap (Optional, if you need)

sudo apt-get autoremove --purge snapd 

Cleanup Logs (Optional, if you need)

for f in $(find /var/log -type f); do 
    sudo cat /dev/null > $f;
    echo "  Log $f has been cleared";

Shutdown system and boot using ubuntu installation image.

After finish boot. Just press ALT+F2 switch to virtual terminal #2 end press Enter.

Set to zero free block using zerofree command.

sudo zerofree /dev/sda2

and shutdown your system

sudo shutdown -h now

Export Virtual Machine

Using export wizard.

command line interface

Check virtual machine name using vboxmanage list vms

vboxmanage list vms
vboxmanage export $VM_NAME -o $IMG_NAME

Replace $VM_NAME with virtual machine name did you want to export.

Replcae $IMG_NAME to output file name did you want. e.g. ubuntu-bionic-server.ova